A photograph of the artist’s father probably in the mid-1880s.

The acknowledgement from the Historisches Museum in Altdorf for the portraits of the artist’s father and uncle Josef.
The sitter was born in 1825 and died in 1887. He was described in the Dictionnaire Historique & Biographique de La Suisse (Neuchatel, 1930), Vol. 5, p. 42, No. 17, as ‘…d’Hospental, constructeur d’hotels et historien.’ But he was also a practising lawyer in Airolo, Ticino, and later Gerichtspräsident (Presiding Judge) of the Cantonal Courts.
This was most probably painted from the 1886 picture in Hospental. It was made specifically for the Museum’s collection of portraits of notable people of Canton Uri, and received there in August 1906.